March 19, 2024

The Sky Is Falling! What Should We Be Doing NOW?

“The sky is falling.” 

Based on the past week’s headlines and the social media feeds of Realtors®, you’d think that was the case.

In case you’re not familiar, the phrase, “the sky is falling” comes from the fable of Chicken Little (or Henny Penny as you may know it).

The moral of the story was “Don’t be a chicken. Have courage.” and “Don’t believe everything you’re told.”

Both of those apply here when talking about the NAR Settlement.

So, the question becomes: What should we be doing NOW?!

Here’s what we are telling our clients about how to approach the NAR Settlement situation like a BOSS (an OPS BOSS®):


STOP. Take a breath. Take a moment to just breathe. Breathing doesn’t slow you down, it calms you down. Why is that important? So you can respond and not react. So you can focus. Focus on what is fact and what is feeling. Fear is understandable. And it’s a feeling. Focus on what you control and discard the rest.

A few facts to remember:

FACT: If you were in real estate in 2020, you have navigated substantial change before and navigated it successfully. (Remember Covid?) Use this experience to move yourself from fear to fact. Back then, we were all understandably fearful about what would happen in real estate. It’s hard to sell homes while locked in your house. But guess what, we figured it out. Take this look backwards and let it give you confidence that just as we figured it out then, we will figure it out now. Find the learning you gained then (grit , creativity, clear communication & consistent action for example) and harness those lessons to use now.

FACT: What you are reading in the press (and in many real estate Facebook groups) is inaccurate. (I’m not sure why everyone is so surprised at this because reporting the news is not what it used to be, it’s become agenda based opinion, but that’s a topic for another post. LOL). The point is, if you want to know the facts, read the actual settlement. Here’s a link to the settlement agreement and a link to the NAR Fact Sheet.

FACT: After you read the settlement, you will have LOTS of questions about HOW things will happen and even IF they will happen. The fact is the court still must sign off on the settlement. AND all affected parties (brokerages, agents, MLS’s, Boards of Realtors, state legislatures, lenders, the secondary loan market) have LOTS of things to sort out before we will know exactly how things will shake out. So focus on what YOU control.

FACT: You control your mindset. So get it straight. How your start your day matters. Who you spend time with matters. Choose your leaders carefully. Ensure your mind, body, soul & spirit are healthy. Lean on your coach. If you’re not in coaching, NOW is the time to invest in yourself. You’ll need ALL of this in line in order to do the rest. (Schedule a call NOW if you need a coach. This includes operations team members and we have multiple options.)


Don’t sit back waiting to see what happens. Control what you control and make a list of things you and your team can do to prepare for the changes. Here are a few:

  • Meet with your team and prepare them to answer consumer questions. Even if you are not personally worried about the changes, your team may be. Don’t just blow off their concerns, help coach them to move from feelings to fact. The more clear they are on the facts, the more confident they will be in moving forward. Ensure your outward communication is CONSUMER focused. Most of us got into real estate to help people. Let’s keep doing that.
  • Document and make scripts accessible to both your agents and staff. Whether you are an Agent or an Ops Boss, licensed or not licensed, you should be prepared for consumer questions AND be ready to capitalize on the opportunity this provides. Many people are asking questions BECAUSE they are thinking of buying or selling this year. Without the news headlines, you might not have known or had the opportunity to educate them and hopefully represent them.
  • Re-evaluate and re-articulate your Value Proposition.
    • Gather stories & statistics to share with clients. When I was a DOO, we used to have a list of 166 Things That Could Go Wrong. We built thet list from things we had actually seen happen in a transaction. We have done such a good job as Realtors at doing our job that most consumers don’t know what we do to protect their interests. We have done a terrible job at articulating it. Sharing that list was one way of educating our clients about what we would be doing for them. For example, most consumers don’t think about or know what to do with: low appraisals, clouds on title, encroachments, tax liens, court ordered divorce challenges, HOA violations, permits, appealing appraisals, what repairs are necessary depending on loan type, what closing costs are allowable depending on loan type, the myriad of required disclosures & disclaimers, what things your new home should have for resale purposes, and a MILLION other things.
    • What about your Value Proposition to agents joining your team or brokerage? I can think of MULTIPLE ways this NAR Settlement makes joining a team/teamerage/brokerage even more attractive than it already is. Are you educated and using that in your recruiting? (Here’s a quick tool you can use to improve your recruiting value prop.)
  • Update your listing and buyer presentations with your Value Proposition. (If you don’t have a Buyer Presentation, create one!)
  • Level up and focus on your relationships. People do business with those they like and trust. AND who provide value. Are your database, touch plan and client events dialed in to be a TEN PLUS out o 10? If not, NOW is the time to do so. (Ops Bosses – have you downloaded our ROI of Operations Calculator?)


  • Make sure your team is trained on Buyer Broker Agreements.
  • Make sure your team knows the FACTS of the settlement.
  • Restart the Power Ups you have been skipping.
  • Reinstate Script practice & weekly training.
  • Train your team on value proposition.


The only change that’s guaranteed is there will be MORE change. Those who stay flexible will succeed.


NOW is the time to BE A BOSS (Breathe, Organize, Skill Up, Stay Flexible).

I choose to believe, just as I did when Covid hit, that NOW is a time of GREAT opportunity. The Unicorns who control their mindset AND take action will succeed at higher levels than we have ever seen before in our industry. The others will fall away. The good news is YOU get to choose which camp you’ll fall into – Chicken Little or Unicorn. I’m pretty sure I know which way the Ops Bosses® will go!

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From Customer Service to Customer Experience: 6 Lessons for Ops Bosses® and Agents In the world of business, the difference between customer service and customer experience can often be subtle, yet profound. Understanding this distinction is crucial for fostering lasting relationships with clients. Recently, I had the opportunity to experience both aspects firsthand when I visited Alimond Studio to record a podcast and get new headshots. Here’s a glimpse into my visit and the valuable lessons I learned about the opportunities to elevate customer interactions. The Backstory: A Referral and a Brilliant Strategy My journey to Alimond began with a referral from a wonderful coaching client who had previously been a guest on their podcast “The Alimond Show”. The podcast, which has excellent info for entrepreneurs, also serves as a lead generation tool for the studio. (Brilliant, right?!) Guests are invited to be interviewed for the podcast, then offered the opportunity to take headshots. 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These thoughtful gestures highlighted their commitment to creating a comfortable and fun experience. Next, we went downstairs to record the podcast. While they mic-ed me up, two people explained what we’d be doing and I was made to feel as comfortable as possible (well as comfortable as you can feel as an introvert with TWO cameras on you – HAHA!) However, recording the podcast was a breeze thanks to their clear explanations of the process. This level of preparation ensured I felt confident and at ease throughout the recording. Lesson: Thoughtful, unexpected touches (even when systematized) set a positive tone, make clients feel valued and turn customer service into an EXPERIENCE. The Photo Session: Balancing Efficiency with Personalization After the podcast, it was time for the photo session. While the process was efficient, there was one aspect that could have been improved: personalization. They didn’t ask why I was getting the headshots done, which resulted in generic poses and advice. It was only after I requested more fun shots in a second outfit change that I truly felt the photos reflected my personality. During the photo selection process, the person assisting me did ask personal questions (like when my birthday was). I’m sure this information will be incorporated into their follow-up touch program—a smart move for fostering long-term client relationships. Throughout my visit, I interacted with three different employees. (I already felt like I knew them because I had received an intro video prior to my visit.) Each one explained their role and seamlessly handed me off to the next person. Their approach made me feel like I was with an expert at each stage rather than being passed around. One person handled check-in and check-out, another recorded the podcast and took the photos, and a third interviewed me for the podcast. All these elements combined to create a cohesive and special experience, offering a welcome break from my day-to-day routine. Lesson: Personalization, questions and expert handoffs ensure clients feel understood and cared for at every stage of their journey. The Departure: A Lesson in Customer Care After making my photo selections and settling the payment, I was sent home with a lovely gift. However, as I left with my hands full of clothing, shoe changes, my laptop, and the fragile gift, I faced a small challenge. Navigating two flights of stairs with all these items proved difficult. I made it down safely and placed the gift on the roof of my car so I could juggle loading everything else. Unfortunately, two streets later, the gift was still on my roof and smashed in a million pieces as I accelerated. An offer to help carry my belongings down would have been a simple yet impactful way to conclude the experience on a high note. Lesson: Small things matter. Your final interaction is a great opportunity to do something simple and appreciated to set you apart. Conclusion: Striving for Excellence in Customer Experience This visit underscored the importance of going beyond good customer service to create an exceptional customer experience. The systems and hospitality at the photographer’s studio were impressive. There were areas for improvement that could have made my visit even more memorable. AND overall, they really did knock it out of the park. For real estate agents (AND their real estate administrative professionals, executive assistants, small business Ops Bosses® and directors of operations), the key takeaway is to pay attention to every detail of the customer journey. Personalized interactions, proactive assistance, and thoughtful systematized touches transform a routine service into a remarkable experience. ACTION ITEM: We all experience poor, good and great service in the interactions we have daily. Reflect on those experiences. What have you learned as a customer that you can implement in the business you work in to drive excellence, customer loyalty and REFERRALS?! An Example: A Personalized WOW Touch for Real Estate Teams Here’s an example of personalization that I implemented when I was DOO of a real estate team. When you list a home and send the photographer out, ask them to be on the lookout for pets. If the sellers have pets, have the photographer snap some candid shots of them. You can then take the best picture and order a canvas wall print to present to the sellers. This surprise gift often results in a “WOW” moment that is both personalized and deeply appreciated, showcasing the extra mile your team is willing to go to make clients feel special. I guarantee you that pet owners LOVE their animals like part of the family. When you do this, they will tell everyone they know about their amazing Realtor®. THAT results in referrals! And THAT is bossy!

From Customer Service to Customer Experience: 6 Lessons for Ops Bosses® and Agents In the world of business, the difference between customer service and customer experience can often be subtle, yet profound. Understanding this distinction is crucial for fostering lasting relationships with clients. Recently, I had the opportunity to experience both aspects firsthand when I visited Alimond Studio to record a podcast and get new headshots. Here’s a glimpse into my visit and the valuable lessons I learned about the opportunities to elevate customer interactions. The Backstory: A Referral and a Brilliant Strategy My journey to Alimond began with a referral from a wonderful coaching client who had previously been a guest on their podcast “The Alimond Show”. The podcast, which has excellent info for entrepreneurs, also serves as a lead generation tool for the studio. (Brilliant, right?!) Guests are invited to be interviewed for the podcast, then offered the opportunity to take headshots. If they fall in love with the photos, they can purchase them. Additionally, the studio provides video clips for social media use, making the entire experience a win-win for both the studio AND the podcast guest. I greatly appreciated the referral and was eager to see what this unique approach had to offer. Lesson: Leveraging referrals and creating win-win scenarios can significantly enhance client engagement and business opportunities. The Warm Welcome: Setting the Stage for a Great Experience From the moment I booked my appointment, the photographer’s team demonstrated exceptional systems and processes. (You KNOW we love systems here at Ops Boss® Coaching!). Each step of the journey—from inquiry and interview, to appointment setting and appointment reminders, and post-photo shoot follow-ups—included scripted texts, videos and emails. Prior to my arrival, I even received a video that showed where to park and how to find their office on the second floor. This thoughtful touch made my visit stress-free and set a positive tone. The messages ensured 100% clarity around what was happening at each stage AND set the stage for great expectations of what was to come. Lesson: Clear communication that leaves nothing to chance significantly enhances the overall customer experience. Personal Touches: Enhancing the Customer Journey Upon reaching their studio, I was greeted by a personalized welcome sign at the top of the stairs. Seeing my name on that sign instantly made me feel valued and special. This small but significant detail exemplifies the difference between standard customer service and a memorable customer experience. The team guided me to an adorable private dressing room with full length mirror, great lighting, places to hang my outfits and an adorable “quote” wall. Signs encouraged selfies and Instagram posts. They offered me a cold drink, which was especially appreciated on a scorching hot day. These thoughtful gestures highlighted their commitment to creating a comfortable and fun experience. Next, we went downstairs to record the podcast. While they mic-ed me up, two people explained what we’d be doing and I was made to feel as comfortable as possible (well as comfortable as you can feel as an introvert with TWO cameras on you – HAHA!) However, recording the podcast was a breeze thanks to their clear explanations of the process. This level of preparation ensured I felt confident and at ease throughout the recording. Lesson: Thoughtful, unexpected touches (even when systematized) set a positive tone, make clients feel valued and turn customer service into an EXPERIENCE. The Photo Session: Balancing Efficiency with Personalization After the podcast, it was time for the photo session. While the process was efficient, there was one aspect that could have been improved: personalization. They didn’t ask why I was getting the headshots done, which resulted in generic poses and advice. It was only after I requested more fun shots in a second outfit change that I truly felt the photos reflected my personality. During the photo selection process, the person assisting me did ask personal questions (like when my birthday was). I’m sure this information will be incorporated into their follow-up touch program—a smart move for fostering long-term client relationships. Throughout my visit, I interacted with three different employees. (I already felt like I knew them because I had received an intro video prior to my visit.) Each one explained their role and seamlessly handed me off to the next person. Their approach made me feel like I was with an expert at each stage rather than being passed around. One person handled check-in and check-out, another recorded the podcast and took the photos, and a third interviewed me for the podcast. All these elements combined to create a cohesive and special experience, offering a welcome break from my day-to-day routine. Lesson: Personalization, questions and expert handoffs ensure clients feel understood and cared for at every stage of their journey. The Departure: A Lesson in Customer Care After making my photo selections and settling the payment, I was sent home with a lovely gift. However, as I left with my hands full of clothing, shoe changes, my laptop, and the fragile gift, I faced a small challenge. Navigating two flights of stairs with all these items proved difficult. I made it down safely and placed the gift on the roof of my car so I could juggle loading everything else. Unfortunately, two streets later, the gift was still on my roof and smashed in a million pieces as I accelerated. An offer to help carry my belongings down would have been a simple yet impactful way to conclude the experience on a high note. Lesson: Small things matter. Your final interaction is a great opportunity to do something simple and appreciated to set you apart. Conclusion: Striving for Excellence in Customer Experience This visit underscored the importance of going beyond good customer service to create an exceptional customer experience. The systems and hospitality at the photographer’s studio were impressive. There were areas for improvement that could have made my visit even more memorable. AND overall, they really did knock it out of the park. For real estate agents (AND their real estate administrative professionals, executive assistants, small business Ops Bosses® and directors of operations), the key takeaway is to pay attention to every detail of the customer journey. Personalized interactions, proactive assistance, and thoughtful systematized touches transform a routine service into a remarkable experience. ACTION ITEM: We all experience poor, good and great service in the interactions we have daily. Reflect on those experiences. What have you learned as a customer that you can implement in the business you work in to drive excellence, customer loyalty and REFERRALS?! An Example: A Personalized WOW Touch for Real Estate Teams Here’s an example of personalization that I implemented when I was DOO of a real estate team. When you list a home and send the photographer out, ask them to be on the lookout for pets. If the sellers have pets, have the photographer snap some candid shots of them. You can then take the best picture and order a canvas wall print to present to the sellers. This surprise gift often results in a “WOW” moment that is both personalized and deeply appreciated, showcasing the extra mile your team is willing to go to make clients feel special. I guarantee you that pet owners LOVE their animals like part of the family. When you do this, they will tell everyone they know about their amazing Realtor®. THAT results in referrals! And THAT is bossy!

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