March 19, 2024

Inbox Zero Magic with Todoist: How to Master Your Emails

So, you’re probably familiar with the constant battle of keeping your inbox at bay, right? Well, we’ve been there, drowning in emails, until we found the secret weapon: Todoist. Let us walk you through how this little gem turned email chaos into a Zen garden of productivity. And don’t just take our word for it; check out the embedded video below where Systems Queen Stephanie Brackett shows you exactly how to do it!

It’s All About Getting to Zero

Inbox Zero sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? But it’s not just about having no emails in your inbox; it’s about taking control. It’s about knowing that every email has been dealt with efficiently, so you’re not constantly re-reading or wondering what’s been overlooked. The time back? So helpful. That peace of mind? Priceless.

Here’s How Todoist Rocks Your Inbox

Integration is Key: First things first, get that Todoist add-in hooked up with your Gmail or Outlook. It’s a game-changer. You get to turn emails into tasks right there and then. No switching apps, no fuss. It’s all about making your email work for you.

Taskify Your Emails: See an email that needs a follow-up? Zap it straight into Todoist as a task. Need to give feedback on a document tomorrow? Into Todoist it goes, with a due date set for today. This way, every email gets an action – do it, defer it, or delete it.

A Clean Inbox is a Happy Inbox: Every email turned task is a step closer to that clean, serene inbox. And the beauty of Todoist? When you click on a task, it brings up the email right there. No searching, no wasting time. It’s about making your inbox a productive space, not a place where emails go to get lost.

Embrace the Todoist Effect

Adopting Todoist for emails is like hiring a personal assistant for your inbox. It’s not just about clearing out emails; it’s about organizing life one email at a time.

Ready to see it in action? Dive into the video below where Stephanie Brackett breaks down her process, showing you the ins and outs of achieving that elusive Inbox Zero with Todoist. Your inbox (and your sanity) will thank you!


So, if you’re ready to tackle your email monster and transform your productivity, give Todoist a whirl. Trust us, your future self will thank you for it!

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