November 13, 2024

A Quirky Growth Hack for Ops Bosses®: Personal “Rules” for Success

Create Your Own “Personal Rules” for Growth

If you’re like me, you’re constantly pushing yourself to grow. At Ops Boss Coaching®, we’re big on building a solid Growth Plan each year (we teach the LEAP Method™), but this time, I wanted to share one of my “quirkier” strategies for keeping growth front and center: setting “personal rules.”

I’ve found that when I articulate these personal rules for myself, growth gets simpler and faster. It takes the overthinking out of it, turning growth into a habit that integrates seamlessly into my daily life.

If you’re an Ops Boss® who’s ready to take things to the next level, try creating some personal rules of your own. Here’s a peek at some of mine, plus a few other ideas to get you started!

A Few of My Personal Rules

  1. Take one action step before leaving any class you attend.
  2. Do one thing every day that scares you.
  3. Say “I love you” to my husband just before closing my eyes each night.
  4. When I teach a class, I write down 5 things that worked well BEFORE noting the fail-forwards & learning points.
  5. Journal my notes & implement at least one action item after reading a book—and BEFORE starting the next book.
  6. If I have a choice between the elevator & stairs, always take the stairs.
  7. Every meeting must have a stated purpose.
  8. Do what you say you’re going to do.
  9. Always ride the carousel, preferably with your tiara on.
  10. Be yourself.
  11. Choose what is right versus what is easy.
  12. Do the hardest thing first each day.
  13. Don’t say it to yourself if you wouldn’t say it to your best friend. (Self talk)

More “Personal Rules” Ideas to Fuel Your Growth

  1. Speak Up Once in Every Meeting
    Make it a rule to contribute at least one idea, question, or insight in every meeting. This builds confidence, visibility, and shows your leadership potential.
  2. Dedicate 15 Minutes Daily for Reflection or Learning
    Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on your experiences or reading something that expands your skills or industry knowledge.
  3. Say Yes to a New Opportunity Monthly
    Stretch your boundaries and build resilience by stepping out of your comfort zone at least once a month.
  4. Share One Resource or Insight with Your Network Weekly
    Pass on an article, podcast, or book that inspired you. Sharing helps strengthen relationships and reinforces your own learning.
  5. Ask for Constructive Feedback Monthly
    Seek specific feedback on an area you want to improve. Growth happens faster when you get insights from others.
  6. Plan Tomorrow’s Top 3 Priorities Before Ending Today
    Set yourself up for success by outlining three action items for the next day. This keeps you organized and laser-focused.
  7. Celebrate a Small Win Every Day
    Acknowledge one accomplishment or moment of progress daily. It builds a habit of gratitude and keeps you motivated.
  8. Practice Saying “No” Gracefully Once a Week
    Protect your time by turning down unnecessary commitments. Your energy is valuable—don’t waste it!
  9. Limit Screen Time 30 Minutes Before Bed
    Unplug before sleep to clear your mind and recharge.
  10. Keep a “Growth Jar” of Lessons Learned
    Write down lessons (big or small) and add them to a jar or notebook. Reflecting on these helps track and celebrate your growth journey.

Additional Bold, Unapologetic Rules for Ops Bosses®

  1. If It Doesn’t Challenge You, It Doesn’t Change You
    Embrace the hard stuff. Discomfort is a sign you’re on the right track.
  2. No Complaints Without Solutions
    If you vent, also brainstorm at least one solution. Be a problem-solver, not a complainer.
  3. Keep Your “No” Stronger Than Your “Yes”
    Say “yes” only to things that matter. If it doesn’t move the needle, let it go.
  4. Don’t Wait for Permission
    If you have an idea or need to make a change, make it happen. Take the initiative and own your impact.
  5. Make “I’ll Figure It Out” Your Default Response
    Face uncertainty with confidence. Don’t know the answer? You’ll figure it out.
  6. Speak Your Mind, Even If Your Voice Shakes
    Your ideas are valuable, so share them even if it feels uncomfortable.
  7. Set Boundaries Like a Boss
    Guard your time and energy. A clear “no” is powerful.
  8. Embrace the Chaos—It’s Where Magic Happens
    Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. Often, growth happens in the mess.
  9. No More “But I’m Too Busy” Excuses
    You make time for what’s important. Clear out the clutter and focus on what matters.
  10. Take a Risk Every Week
    Growth is about stretching yourself. Big or small, do something each week that challenges you.

Final Thoughts

Creating personal rules can turn everyday moments into opportunities for growth, helping you stay on track without overthinking. Give it a try—pick a few rules that resonate, or create your own list. When growth becomes a daily habit, you’ll find yourself achieving more than you thought possible.

SCHEDULE A QUICK CALL to see which of our offerings might best support you & your business. We have classes, operations group coaching, a 10 week Ops Boss® Academy, an annual Leader Retreat and Elite 1:1 Coaching – especially for operations professionals!

Are you ready to write your own rules? That might be a sign that YOU are ready for coaching! Let’s chat!

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