January 29, 2022

27 Team Meeting Speaker Ideas

Ops Bosses® are often in charge of setting up speakers for their team meetings, and after a while you run out of ideas. So we’re going to give you 27 ideas of people to invite.

Before we do that, let’s back up to WHY.

Why would you ask people to speak at your real estate or brokerage team meeting?

LOTS of reasons!

  1. To educate your team
  2. To add value to your team’s lives
  3. To stretch your team’s thinking & create new possibles
  4. To plus your value proposition
  5. To improve retention & culture
  6. To make your team meetings part of your recruiting efforts

OK, now that you know why, you might be wondering WHO you should invite. Here are 27 ideas:

  1. Life coach
  2. Personal trainer
  3. Financial planner
  4. Meal planner
  5. Nutritionist
  6. Lender
  7. Home inspector
  8. Home warranty rep
  9. Top listing agent in another market
  10. Top buyer agent in another market
  11. Marketing/social media expert
  12. Successful local business owners
  13. Your coach/your rainmaker’s coach
  14. Safety expert (police, FBI)
  15. Title/Settlement Co Rep
  16. Builder
  17. Your Broker
  18. Tech Tip expert
  19. Travel Planner
  20. High school or college coach (to chat about leadership, goal setting or mindset)
  21. Yoga teacher or meditation guru
  22. Founder of a local charity you support
  23. Insurance agent (homeowner’s, health, life, car)
  24. Estate planning attorney
  25. Mold remediator
  26. Radon expert
  27. Home organizer

The topics you can cover are endless, and we encourage you to think outside the real estate box.

At our annual Ops Boss® Leader Retreat, we always feature a Keynote Speaker who is NOT in the real estate industry. Past speakers included a Down’s Syndrome Advocate, an ATF agent who helped prosecute the DC Sniper, a RAMMY Award winning restaurateur and a 10 year old TedX speaker who won a national film award & who created his own 501c3. What we’ve found is that there is much to learn about passion, growth, goal setting, leadership, success habits, business building and more – and hearing it from another perspective helps cement the lessons and turn them into action.

A Few Tips:

  • When you invite people, share with them what your goals are. Are they there to teach, to inspire, to reinforce your team values?
  • Make sure that having them there is a win win.
  • Let them know whether you’d like them to present or whether you’d like to interview them. We like to mix it up.
  • Ask for a copy of their presentation prior to the meeting. And if you’re doing it interview style – share the questions with them ahead of time.

Lastly, don’t forget about people from your own team! Help your people shine by featuring them at your meetings. You can do script off contests, fail forward Fridays, objection handling, and all sorts of things!


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