April 30, 2024

8 Questions To Ask To Elevate Your Database To DataBANK!

People do business with those they like and trust. So what are you doing to ensure the people in your database do business with YOU?!

We hear lots of people talk about their database and their “touch plan”. But unless your database is producing CLOSINGS, you have exactly that – just a database. Wouldn’t you rather have a DataBANK?!

Discover how to transform your real estate database into a powerful asset that generates closings with these essential tips.

8 Questions To Ask To Elevate Your Database To DataBANK:

Q. Do you have a systematized touch plan?

Having a SYSTEM means the same thing happens each time and it gives you a predictable result. If your system is too dependent on the people doing the activities, it isn’t a system. We see this show up on many teams around phone calls. The touch plan looks great on paper, but there is no system to make it easy for agents to make calls and/or no system to ensure calls are being made.

Q. Does it touch EVERY person in the database?

Our new clients often tell us they have a great touch plan. But when we ask whether 100% of the database has full contact info (name, address, email, phone) – the answer is usually no. So this means when your touch plan runs, lots of touches get skipped. NOW is the time to audit your database and bring it to 100%.

Q. Do you have enough touches?

33 Touches used to be “the norm”. Today we see teams hitting upwards of 100. Don’t add touches JUST to increase the number. And that said, with so much noise, our touch plans need to be more frequent.

Q. Do you need to warm up the touches?

Is your touch plan full of email with a rare once a year call for your annual client event? Do you rely on email and newsletters and birthday cards? Or are you talking to your database, and getting belly to belly doing community service and client events? To elevate from database to dataBANK, take those cold touches (like email) and warm them up to texts & calls. Better yet, get face to face with your clients more often through microevents, workshops & webinars, and full client events.

Speaking of client events, if you find yourself limiting how many can attend based on cost or venue size, then it’s time for different client events. Instead of an open bar Happy Hour, try Pictures in the Park for example. It’s cheaper and there’s no space limitation.

Q. Do you have 6 Touches around EVERY event?

The Six? Email save the date, Postcard invite, Call invite, Text reminder to RSVP, At event contact, After event “thank you” or “missed you”.

The most missed touch is the “missed you” call to everyone who did not attend. Events are NOT just about who comes. They are an easy way to make contact with EVERY person in the database.

Q. Are you providing value?

Touching for touch sake is yuck. Evaluate your touches and ask yourself if they are valuable to or needed by the person being touched. Get rid of any that are not. Replace them with things that set you apart and benefit your past & potential clients. Example: You can do educational events. Invite past clients or people from your sphere to speak on topics your database would find helpful – financial & estate planning, staging & downsizing, family travel. It benefits the speaker and gives you the opportunity to deepen your relationships.

Q. Are you periodically making the ask?

As my Daddy used to say, “You don’t get if you don’t ask.”

Q. Are you systematically adding to the database?

What is your SYSTEM to ensure your database continues to grow? Many teams are in recruiting mode. They add each new agent’s sphere into the database, then never ask again whether they have new contacts to add. Download this Memory Jogger and have your WHOLE team (including admin and operations staff) use it to grow your database.

You can also invite event attendees to bring a friend who will be buying/selling this year. Or invite sponsors of your events to invite their database.


Now is the time to transform your real estate database into a dynamic DataBANK that drives business growth and client satisfaction.

What To Do NOW!
  1. Figure out where you stand and where you have room to grow with our FREE Database or DataBANK Calculator!
  2. Sign up for classes like: Systems Are Sexy, Rock Referrals Like A Boss and Low Cost, High Impact Client Events.
  3. Get into action more quickly with:

Schedule a call if you’d like to discuss which path is best for YOU!

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