January 29, 2025

Referrals Can Make Your Bucket List Real (Plus Free Scripts)

Last month, one of our incredible Ops Boss® Coaches, Jerrica Kontos, checked a major item off her bucket list: seeing the Northern Lights in Alaska. What does that have to do with real estate operations?


This wasn’t just a trip; it was the result of Jerrica embracing her role as a Director of Operations on a real estate team to generate referrals. Her motivation for getting licensed? Helping friends and family. The bonus? Referral fees that fund her dreams—like investment properties and bucket list adventures.

What’s on YOUR bucket list that could be funded by referrals?

Limiting Beliefs

If you’re like me, you might have a few “drunk monkeys” hanging around:

  • “I don’t want to be salesy.”
  • “What if my friends think I’m pushy?”
  • “I don’t even know what to say.”

Trust me, I’ve been there. Those monkeys perched on my shoulder until I realized something life-changing:

  1. It’s not hard to help friends and family, especially when you know the average Realtor® is, well, average.
  2. The satisfaction of ensuring your people are in expert hands is priceless.
  3. Referral income can fund your bucket list dreams and change who you become in the process.

Ready to kick those monkeys to the curb and start checking off your bucket list?

Join Coach Jerrica on February 26th for “Rock Referrals Like A Boss“.

She’ll teach you processes, scripts, and practical strategies to turn your dreams into reality. 👉 Download a peek into her scripts here

P.S. It’s not just about the bucket list.

Below is the message Jerrica sent to her coaching clients after Alaska. It’s also about what you learn & who you’re becoming.

(If you’re ready to grow too, reach out. We can help!)

Jerrica’s Message to Her Clients:

Exactly 60 Days Ago…

I was lying in the snow next to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline at midnight, watching lime-green lights and pink shadows dance across the sky. Seeing the Northern Lights had been on my bucket list forever, and let me tell you—it was just as life-changing as I imagined.

But here’s the thing: the experience wasn’t just magical; it was enlightening.

Lesson #1: Say “Yes” and Figure It Out Later

Typically, my vacations are booked by January. But 2024 was a transition year, and I was staying flexible. When my husband mentioned a conference in Fairbanks, Alaska, he jokingly said, “Should we go?” I said, “YES!”

Then came the panic:

  • “How am I planning this in four weeks with my workload?”
  • “I just signed three new coaching clients—can I even leave?”
  • “Q4 is my busiest quarter. What about business planning?”
  • “What about our rescue dog with separation anxiety?”

Sound familiar?

Here’s what I did:

  • Made a list.
  • Tackled it one item at a time.
  • Let go of what didn’t matter.

Some balls dropped, but guess what? Life (and work) moves around what’s truly important.

Lesson #2: Do the Work

I didn’t realize when I decided to follow this dream that catching the Northern Lights is fleeting.

Fairbanks, Alaska is one of the top places to see them, but it’s not as simple as stepping outside at night. We had to:

  • Research aurora trackers.
  • Scout locations.
  • Get up/stay up in the middle of the night.
  • Drive for hours.
  • Wait in freezing temperatures.

When the sky lit up, it was worth every ounce of effort.

Lesson #3: Be Present

The photos don’t even come close to what the lights look like in person. Add in the bitter cold, and taking gloves off wasn’t worth it. So, I had no choice but to watch and soak it all in. I’m glad I did.

Lesson #4: It’s All About the Packaging

November in Fairbanks, Alaska has a high of about 10°F. The sun doesn’t come up until after 9 AM and sets fully by 4 PM. The days are long, dark, and cold.

A waiter in Fairbanks told us:
“I can’t believe how many people actually come here in the winter since the tourism department rebranded it as ‘Northern Lights season.’”

He’s right:

  • Uncertainty becomes excitement.
  • Grit becomes chasing.
  • A to-do list becomes a bucket list.
  • Darkness becomes an opportunity to see the light.

What could you “rebrand”?

As leaders, we package things for ourselves, our teams, and our clients.

That’s what coaching is often about too: helping someone see things differently so the light bulb goes off.

Let 2025 Be the Year You Say “YES!” to Your Dreams

Join us February 26th and let’s turn those monkeys into milestones.

And if you can’t wait, you’re our kind of client—a motivated Action Taker who craves accountability as a means to RESULTS!

👉 Sign up for a Free Exploratory Call and let’s get you into Elite 1:1 Coaching!



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