August 7, 2024

In A Great Big Galaxy: Help Us Find The Winner!

We are ECSTATIC to announce TWO SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES to attend Ops Boss® Leader Retreat 2024Help us find the Winner! Nominate someone! 

Our vision at Ops Boss® Coaching is “One by One by One by One, WE change the world.” 

In 2018 we awarded our first scholarship. It was done privately, and went to Tara Hughes, one of our founding community members who had the heart of an angel and who impacted every single person she met. Each year since, others have been inspired to donate and our scholarship process has become formal.

This year’s scholarships were donated by two previous Leader Retreat attendees who want to pay it forward and help rocket launch another hardworking Ops Boss® into the stratosphere. (The Stars who donated have chosen to remain anonymous. One of them asked us to share this: “I was a recipient a couple of years ago and it’s still such a blessing to me still to this day.” ) Each scholarship is a $1,599 value, and an opportunity for the winners to attend a powerful event – the 7th Annual Ops Boss® Leader Retreat where the theme is built around the quote “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

We invite YOU to participate in changing lives by helping us find the two winners who are STARS amidst the giant galaxy of real estate operations leaders.

Here’s how:

  1. Share the love. Tell everyone you know about this opportunity. Help us find the Ops Boss® who should be in the room with us in October. STOP right now and share this blog with someone worthy!
  2. Nominate someone very deserving who might not otherwise be able to attend.


  • Nominate  your Ops Boss® (or a fellow Ops Boss®) for a scholarship ticket to attend the retreat.
  • Self-submission is not only ok, it’s BOSSY!
  • Scholarship includes registration for our 3 day event (Oct 4-6).
  • Scholarship does NOT include meals, hotel, travel, etc. (In past years, team owners have picked up expenses for their Ops Boss® if they win.)
  • Deadline: Friday, Aug 16th


Applications are reviewed by the Scholarship Committee. The committee looks for stories of how nominees are living Ops Boss® Coaching’s Values (Integrity, Authenticity, Faith, Growth, Passion). This is the KEY qualification.

  • TELL US STORIES & EXAMPLES of how your Nominee is living our values and why they should be honored with a scholarship.
  • Don’t just tell us “my DOO is awesome” or “she would benefit so much from going” or how it would help your business. 
  • Tell us real stories of how they have earned this and how they embody our values and change the world around them.
  • Don’t just say they show the values, paint the picture by sharing specific moments where they put them in ACTION.
  • The retreat is NOT for new assistants. It is NOT a class or training. It is for Operations LEADERS. Share examples of their leadership in action.

Our Mission at Ops Boss® is to Dream BIG, Achieve BIG and IMPACT Lives. We invite you to join in and spread the word. 


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