December 29, 2023

40 Reflection Questions & Journal Prompts

The New Year’s Eve Weekend is a great time for reflection. Here are some of the favorite questions and journal prompts our coaches like to use to prepare for a fantastic New Year:


1. What did I do well this year?
2. What did I struggle with this year?
3. What did I fail at this year?


1. How can I spend more time doing #1 above?
2. Who can I leverage or where can I get help for #2 above?
3. How can I never fail at those things in #3 again?

  1. If you had to describe 2023 in 3 words, what would they be?
  2. What word (or 3 words) do you choose to manifest in 2024?
  3. What areas did you experience a high level of success in this year?
  4. What has contributed to your success?
  5. Which of your PERSONAL qualities turned out to be the most helpful this year?
  6. What worries turned out to be completely unnecessary?
  7. What was the biggest challenge you solved?
  8. What’s one thing you would do differently and why?
  9. What new skills have you learned?
  10. What new habits have you cultivated?
  11. What MAJOR GOAL did you lay the foundation for?
  12. What EXPERIENCE would you love to do all over again?
  13. What did you believe you would accomplish that didn’t happen?
  14. What could you have done differently to make it happen?
  15. What have you FAILED to anticipate?
  16. What has 2023 taught you about yourself?
  17. How has your overall outlook on life evolved?
  18. On a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about being part of your team? (What can you do to make it a 10?)
  19. What should I keep doing?
  20. What should I stop doing?
  21. What should I start doing?
  22. What were my wins?
  23. What were my learns?
  24. Review how you spent your time (review your calendar, the pictures in your phone, your bank statements). Did how I spent my time match my goals and priorities?
  25. Did I get ROI on my activities? (Example – if I read 12 books, did I implement what I read or did I just read to say I read 12 books?)
  26. Did my attitude match my goals?
  27. Did my habits match my goals?
  28. Did my skills match my goals?
  29. Have I evaluated my systems recently?
  30. Are we missing any systems?
  31. Do we need to improve/update any systems?
  32. Are the scalable?
  33. Are they being used?
  34. Are they up to date for Today’s Market

Take some time to journal around these questions and then go back to finalize your goals. You’ll have a ton more clarity. We find clarity allows bigger ACTION. And we find that BOSSY!

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